Packets And Bolts

Julian The Martyr



24th episode of Packets and Bolts: The podcast about technology, life, philosophy, and everything in between. Tonight we talk with Kevin Gosztola about Julian Assange (Interview begins at 1:25:40): Kevin Gosztola is an American journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker known for work on whistleblowers, WikiLeaks, national security, secrecy, civil liberties, and digital freedom. Writing The Dissenter beat for the blog Firedoglake (FDL), he covered the court-martial of Chelsea Manning and substantially covered the case of John Kiriakou. Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure. We also will give Mongoose's six Totally Certain Predictions for the Next four Years... Listener emails and a drink are still on the agenda as we kickoff the third season of Packets and Bolts... *** Packets and Bolts - Bringing AM radio to Podcasting since 2019...