
Forecast for June 29 - July 5, 2017



The Cancer-Capricorn axis can be a battle of polarities - inclusion vs. exclusion and feminine vs. patriarchal. Economically, we see this polarity as the guns vs. butter struggle with our political decisions. Soul searching becomes necessary. Its okay to consider a one year 700 billion dollar war budget and yet eliminate that much for healthcare over the next 10 years. And so it is that these themes and extremes are exposed when the inner planets in Cancer oppose Pluto Rx in Capricorn, and square Uranus in Aries. Chiron follows up Neptune in Pisces for it final retrograde in that sign. Feelings of disillusionment and disappointments may continue. Venus in Gemini will square the nodal axis setting up boundaries with our self-reliance while ameliorating when and how we extend the helping hand to others. Venus will enhance Gemini throughout July, so stepped up communications around values are highlighted. Be alert for slick sales pitches and watch your words in response. Finally, The waning inconjunct of Jupit