
Forecast for April 20-26, 2017



A shower of April transits keeps the energy erratic, exciting, and somewhat volatile. For the next week or so, with Pluto SR standing still in the sky from our geo-centric viewpoint, reality checks will be needed. The Soul will want to push forward but hits a Capricornian wall of rules, regulations, red tape or just downright resistance. Adding to this mix is Mercury Rx, just beyond its retrograde halfway point, touching in to sticky Taurus. Upon re-entering Aries, Mercury will trine Saturn in Sagittarius. The spin and mistruths continue to be revealed as celebrities are unmasked and the real facts are exposed. This is classic frustration, so prioritize the details well and use the Taurus mantra often: "I create self-reliance with every metamorphosis" Furthermore, Mars ingresses Gemini and will square the nodal axis, amping up the pace of activities and communication requests from others, making for a very exciting weekend. Stay focused and have some cellular discipline, particularly when driving. A little hu