
Forecast for April 14-20, 2016



Pondering the many paths to inner peace amidst the changing outer landscapes of our time is reflected back to us from the spiritual, mutable T-square of Virgo Jupiter Rx, Neptune, and Mars (stationary retrograde) and Saturn Rx in Sag. We also get to experience a grand trine in Earth, with Mercury in Taurus trine Jupiter Rx in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn stationary retrograde. Our functional bottom line is this: Grind through the details with absolute intention. Listen acutely to those around you without reaction, while grounding yourself in place for the next couple of months. Mars Rx in Sag = My personal truth in action. How to I take that to my next level of utter self-reliance? Pluto Rx in Cap = What deep separating desires related to finances and my stable infrastructure are no longer working? You may recall that we have had Mercury and the Sun sparking the Uranus - Pluto square. Now Venus will aspect the bass note igniting some feistiness if not downright anger and frustration. She will also activat