
Forecast for May 27 - June 3, 2015



The weekend waxing Moon in Sag will become Full Tuesday morning at 12* Sagittarius opposing Mercury/Sun and squaring Neptune in Pisces. This is the epitome of a left brain right brain tussle. How are you managing all the mercurial chatter? Will you make the time to quiet the busyness in order to feel the emotional and intuitive messages coming through? Pluto in Cap has been squaring the nodal axis for nearly 6 months as well, and Pluto will demand the same emotional stability in order to manifest all the dreams and goals we have been putting into our escrow. The communication needs and desires are acutely emphasized now with everyone wanting to be heard and appreciated. The Star of David Sextile comprised of the two trines in fire and air signs only add to the potential instability. Finally, Mars will be making a waxing, gibbous phase inconjunct to that Capricorn Pluto. This may reveal opportunity for you to determine which actions and decisions you have made recently that are working in your world and thos