
Forecast for April 8-15, 2015



Much progress can now be made on our creative hunt with Jupiter direct in Leo. Think back since last December on the pursuits and ideas and that were sparking. Whatever still remains in consciousness must now be acted upon. If enhancing your journey with EA remains, we have extended our course sale through April 12th. Mercury and Venus will inhabit each other's signs for the next several weeks and that mutual reception just emphasizes the the increased activity level. Mercury the Messenger will spend most of this year in air signs. Be the one to pin your lips, open ears and avoid the faux pas. Venus the Ambassador of Love and Beauty is in Gemini April 11-May 7. Essential Venus really is what we feel we deserve the most, and, right now we want it all - pure and simple. Discern what is best for your Soul. This mutual reception is great energy for new initiations, new beginnings and new ventures. However, Venus will also oppose a stubbornly philosophical Saturn that will demand complete self-responsibility for