
Forecast for February 21-28, 2014



The psychological pressure cooker bass note of Pluto in Capricorn waxing sextile to Chiron in Pisces will require us to acknowledge and heal old wounds we have denied. You are your own saviour. Cap Venus waxing sextile to Saturn in Scorpio demands ultimate personal responsibility in our relationships presently and foreshadows the upcoming Saturn and Mars retrogrades in the relationship signs early in March. What nagging relating decisions are you avoiding? The Sun conjuncting Neptune reminds us to personalize our primary relationship with Universal Source. The ones we seek out there are only as genuine as the relationship we have with the god/goddess in the mirror. Remember to join Starlady and MediaMonk on the Libra-Aries Nodal Shift and the Mars Rx webinars February 24 and 26.