Mid-days With Lauree

What We Do Isn't Nearly As Important As Why We Do It



Without knowing your name, where you live, or what your story is, we probably have something in common: We probably both have jobs, which means you can relate to this topic.These days, we're probably a lot more grateful for our jobs than we've been in the past but no matter how grateful we are, those jobs can still be a grind. When we are having tough days, why we are doing the work becomes really significant and because of that, we have a story.There we're 3 laborers who all did the same job but each we're asked what they did. When the 1st laborer was asked, he said "I'm making a living." That's all he said. When the 2nd laborer was asked, he said "Well, I drag heavy stones for a living." But when the 3rd laborer was asked what he did, he said "I'm building a cathedral." You see, they all have the same job, but when asked what they do, each had a different response with a different purpose. The meaning of our work is a whole lot less about what we do and more about why we do it and who we're doing it for. If