America Meditating Radio Show W/ Sister Jenna

The Secret Language of the Universe w/ Astrologer Pam Gregory & Sister Jenna



Pam Gregory stumbled into astrology after meeting an astrologer when she emigrated to Toronto Canada. Her journey into this subject has not stopped since then. She spent 8 years studying part-time with the Faculty of Astrological Studies then achieved Highest Honors in her Masters’ Course. She now runs a very busy practice in the South of England, has a popular YouTube Channel at Pam Gregory Astrology and has authored two books, You Don’t Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Visit Get the Off the Grid Into the Heart CD by Sister Jenna & listen to Vibrations of Love on Spotify.  Like America Meditating & on Twitter.  Visit Download our free Pause for Peace App for Apple or Android.