Saskia Roell

Live Your Purpose Through Heart Field Healing and Forgiveness - Call in for a distance healing with Eric Altman



Eric will begin by leading a discussion on forgiveness. But that is only the beginning of what happens with Eric's work, we want to take this topic and include you, the listener, to experience forgiveness for yourself in your life today. Eric and Saskia will be taking letters or call ins from people wanting to play with this and interact so we can enable a long lasting shift of consciousness. Forgiveness of ourselves creates a fresh start, allowing you to start over today with what you know. Our connection on the planet creates resonant matches, lets together invite more expansiveness and strength of the self. We want to model this with our radio show and so we are using this topic as a jumping off point. We are open to change in the moment, to allow people to get what they want. We will be flexible, just like in our life, able to respond in the moment and shift to the needs of our audience. We will rely on your questions, your participation, just like a relationship in life. We will meet each other