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#273: Giving Kids a Fresh Start with Heather Cacioppo!



Heather Cacioppo is a Special Education Teacher in the Chicago area who joined us for the podcast to talk about communication with families and adapting during the time of COVID 19. Two things she said at the start of our interview really stood out to us and they framed the conversation in a meaningful way-- students are more than just a piece of paper and give kids a fresh start! She spoke of giving kids a fresh start because she often has the experience of hearing about her incoming students in a negative way. We have all had a teacher come to warn us about our next group of students or a particular kid, but Heather reminded us of the importance of starting fresh with every student.  As our conversation continued she dispelled a few misconceptions we had on the communication with non verbal students and we heard a great story from Wilkie about his time working with non-verbal students during college. Heather also talked with us about how she works to build communication with the families of her student