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Facing the Music: A 2019 Reflection



As 2019 comes to a close we wanted for our own sake to reflect on the year that was. This year was amazing for us on so many levels, but it was also filled with some very difficult times. As you listen you'll hear where we made mistakes and how we are learning from them, but also how we worked our way to a place that has set us up for success in 2020. It starts with us remembering that we will always be friends first rather than teammates and business partners. Since we have gotten back to that our perspectives have become clearer and we are back on track professionally.  This podcast is a little about our podcast, a little about our teaching, and a lot about our journey over the past 12 months! We hope you enjoy it! As always thank you for everything you do to support this podcast! Please continue to subscribe and share the podcast!  To further support our work head over to You can also find support the podcast be going to and click the SUPPORT bu