Value Adds Value!

Part 1 of 3 With Principal Baruti Kafele!!



Three years ago when we started the Value Adds Value Podcast (it was called The LED Project Podcast back then) we made a list of our dream educators to have on the podcast and at the top of the list was Principal Kafele! After three years of hard work and having the opportunity to meet Baruti in person at The AIE Conference in October we got to spend two powerful hours with him!  Part 1 of this 3 part interview was 30 minute of Kafele's backstory and it was fascinating to us. You would assume that a person who has influenced as many educators as he has, he did 200 presentations in 2019, would have been an educator all his life. The fact is that it took him five years to get his high school degree and it was in his late 20s that he found his calling in education after taking an African American History class. This story is sums up his career in which he said he always had to "do it my way."   In this episode he talks about how he code switches when in different settings how he has always remembered h