Value Adds Value!

Educators Reboot!!



Are you trying just to 'get through' to the holidays? Are you at the end of your rope? If you are you are not alone in that, but we want to help you get back on track with this episode of the Value Adds Value Podcasts with our friend and mentor Carrie Conover! Carrie is the founder of Educators 2 Educators ( and the New Year Teachers Reboot Conference! After ten years in the Chicago Public Schools and another decade in the Ed. Tech world she branched out on her own two years ago with a podcast that led to the conference. We have been so grateful to her for including us in her events and for the constant advice she gives teachers on how to better themselves. We're delighted to share that with you here! As she puts it, "my mission is to take care of teachers and teaching." In this episode she gives great advice on how to grow through your struggles and explains how teacher can benefit from her FREE online conference! We hope that you will sign up for the conference and maybe check out ou