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#31: What A Cruise It Was!



We were so blessed to have been abroad the first Teach Your Heart Out Cruise to the Bahamas and what an adventure it was. We love how the folks at TYHO are continue to provide teachers with top notch professional development from the most engaging presenters out there, but have created the space for teachers from every walk of life to find community. It was incredible to be able to eat dinner on a cruise ship while looking out at the ocean with friends that share your same passion for making a difference in the lives of our kids. It was more incredible to see over 400 teachers get on buses to deliver school supplies to students in Nassau that while provided every student with what they need for the coming year! While talk about all those things plus the incredible sessions during the show. We want to give a huge shout out to everyone at TYHO, but especially to the people who have become our family! You know who you are! If you want to attend a Teach Your Heart Out Conference you'll have several opportunit