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The LED Project #89: Seek The Marigolds w/ Tracy Costa



We're just going to put this out there... we love Tracy Costa!! We got to know her during the Teach Your Heart Out Conference in Vegas and we're so glad she could come on the podcast to talk about the growth mindset. Tracy is just as excited about education as we are and it came through during our time together. Tracy tells the story of how she went from a bus driver to nearing the completion of her doctorate in education and how she strives to change the trajectory of her students lives. Tracy talked about the impact her fixed mindset teachers had on her and how into adulthood she felt that she just wasn't smart. But after finding Carol Dweck's book she transformed her teaching and learning by understanding the our brains can grow through our entire lives and our intelligence is not fixed. We also had the chance to discuss with Tracy how to maintain high expectations while allowing kids the opportunity to fail at tasks. Tracy advises all teachers to above anything else always view yourself as a learner and