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The LED Project #84: It's a "Human" Field w/ Yannick Florest



For this episode we caught up with Yannick Florest (@soapboxvizzy)for a conversation about education and his amazing mixtape TEACHERS COLLEGE OR BUST ( During on conversation we talked about the importance of reenforcing that every student has value and that we must provide them multiple avenues upon which to learn. Yannick discussed his on education in Brooklyn and the impact that teachers of color, especially male teachers of color, had on his education. He explained that the cultural sensitivity of these teachers to what he was going through allow him to shine in ways that he hadn't for other teachers. This lead us to a long talk about how we can get more men and men of color into the teaching profession and this is when he emphasized the humanness of the field. The more as teachers we validate who are students are as people the more options we help them to see in their future and our hope is that more young men will see teaching as a viable option. We're so grateful to Yannic