Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

Losing people you love



We never lose love. We never lose people. We carry it all with us and build our character from soft beautiful feelings and memories until we’re so completely built up of poetry and love that it’s all shining through us, making everyone around us a little gentler and kinder too. That thought makes me smile. And maybe you have a role model in your life, that you know personally or only from a distance. You admire his or her guts, achievement, strengths and wisdom. No matter if this person is still around or not, you can take the feelings, the inspiration, the motivation that person gave you and forever carry it with you. Make his energy a part of you and radiate it to everyone you meet. Eventually, you will become such a role model for someone else, too, and isn’t it a beautiful thought to know that you will share that light and energy forward. Making this world a little brighter and more active. You can say goodbye to people without losing the beauty they gave you. We never lose love. We never lose people.