Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

6 Things I Learned in 2019



1. Clarity and vision are everything: When you’re clear on what kind of life you want to live, what kind of person you want to be, and what you want to achieve the next couple of months … you can say no to everything that doesn’t align with that life. You can stop chasing people who don’t align with your future vision. You can stop spending time on jobs or tasks that won’t bring you closer to those accomplishments and that life. This can be applied on everything. On your work and career, creative projects, health, relationships and friendships. If you know what sort of life you want, with each new relationship you can simply ask yourself: “does this relationship align with that future vision?” If you’re offered a new job or project to take on, ask yourself “will this job enable me to become the me I’m visioning? Does it align with the life I’m trying to shape?” 3. You can be in love all the time, with everyone and everything, because it simply makes you feel good. I was heartbroken for a year after my last