Mildly Offensive

07 | Kelsey McLaughlin, Sophie Yalkezian, + Kelsey Bailey | Sex & the City



Kelsey McLaughlin, Sophie Yalkezian, + Kelsey Bailey (also known as the talented women of Future Wives) drop in! They discuss who's *really* the c*nt of the group, tackle a defining moment in their improv 401, and deconstruct a problematic episode of Sex & the City. Mildly Offensive is not brought to you by Glossier. Mary Beth on IG/Twitter: @marybethbarone/@marybethbarone Kelsey B on IG/Twitter: @i_robot/@notmerylstreep Kelsey M on IG/Twitter: @kelseynotgrammer/@kelseynotgramer Sophie on IG/Twitter: @sophiey/sophieyalkie