Forte Catholic Podcast: Making Catholicism Fun Again

Episode 47: First World Probs, Bad Church Music and the Fishers of Men Hosts



Last week, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, we talked about big time suffering and how faith can help us in those situations. This week, we are talking about small sufferings, otherwise known as first world problems. I talk about silly things like losing my iPhone charger to not as silly things like my transmission going out in my car. I share how what we talked about last week helped me react better to these little sufferings than I would have before. In the second segment, I get to talk with the two ladies who host the dating podcast "Fishers of Men." Find me a better name for a podcast online. I dare you! We talk about modern day dating and what women want in a man. In the final segment, I share my experience of terrible music at Church this past weekend and what that has to do with the Body of Christ.