
How Bandon Dunes revolutionized golf



Bandon Dunes began as a pie-in-the-sky brainchild of a wannabe golf course developer and a wannabe Scottish golf course architect. Together, David McLay-Kidd and Mike Keiser built a golf course — but they had no idea they were spawning a revolution in the process. Bandon expanded and Cabot Links and Sand Valley followed in its footsteps; some dozen golf courses later, Bandon's lasting legacy is as an idea: That North America can have true links golf and that reimagine the idea of a remote golf course as a bucket-list destination. New locales have followed in Bandon's footsteps, like Cabot Links in Nova Scotia and Sand Valley in Wisconsin. Dream Golf has become a movement. But it sure didn't start that way. On this week's Drop Zone, here's how one course in nowhere, Oregon turned into an entire movement — all by accident.