Crew Call

How to Make it Into Hollywood with Kate Lupo



This is it you guys! It’s the season finale of Crew Call. I’ve been holding on to this one because it’s one of my favorites we’ve done in this new batch and I wanted it to sit somewhere special. So this week, on the season finale of Crew Call, I have the great pleasure to air this interview with the Incredible Kate Lupo of Who is this person, you may ask? Kate Lupo is a speaker and career coach here in Los Angeles, but she is not just any speaker or career coach. Kate is an expert in helping students and recent grads land job and internships in the business and development side of Hollywood. So. If your dream is to become a producer, or a writer, or an exective, or, or, etc in this crazy town I call home, you may have already run into the fact that it can be extremely hard to get your foot in the door, or to, really, even know which door to get your foot in. That’s where Kate comes in. Through in-person workshops, online webinars, Interview and career coaching and more, Kate has helpe