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Victoria Buckmann: Finding The Sales Magic With Energy



In business, the sales process connects us to people. It is the bridge where we can cross-over to present our products and hopefully make a difference in people’s lives. This is the kind of sales magic that Victoria Buckmann finds. As a certified Dream Coach, Higher Guidance Business Coach, Former Premier Success coach for eWomenNetwork, a hypnotherapist and Intuitive, she teaches people to be aware of their energies in how it affects the way they deal with business and selling. She shows how to shift your energy alongside the goals to actually get the results you want. By also shifting your energy to gratitude and clarity, you will see the most effective way towards the results. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Take Back Time community today:TugOfWarWithTime.comTug of War With Time FacebookTug of War With Time TwitterTug of War With Time Pinterest