Dream Freedom Beauty With Natalie Ross

Folklore & Rituals of Imbolc, A Celtic Holiday on the Wheel of the Year with Natalie Ross [episode 38]



In this episode, I, Natalie Ross, Earth Speak co-founder, and podcast Hostess, share about the traditions around the Celtic holiday called Imbolc that signifes the beginning of spring. My ancestral lineages are Celtic and Nordic. What I’m sharing is part of my investigations into my own ancestral roots to discover who are the people in my lineages who were Indigenous to a land, and what were their beliefs and customs. If you enjoy this, please let us know! You’re going to hear about: What Imbolc is and why it was one of the 4 most important celebrations of the year How the Wheel of the Year isn’t actually Celtic Brigid, the multi-faceted goddess associated with Imbolc I’ll also share several ways you can celebrate Imbolc in your own practices and rituals. This whole episode transcript is posted on our website in the show notes at www.earthspeak.love/shows-1/folklore-and-imbolc-38. If you’re wanting to connect more with others who practice Earth magic, then join us in the Earth Speak Collective membership. W