The Time Of Harvest By Rick Gioia

Controlling the Chaos in Your Life (take 2)



Vicky Campbell of Chaos County Organizers will be my first guest. Vicky is an expert in helping businesses and people take control of the chaos in their lives. Vicky will be sharing tips and ideas on how you can take control of the Chaos in your life and business. She works with the person or business to see what the "personality" of the person/business is and then she designs a customized system of organization that is practical and comfortable for them to use. This makes it easy to implement and more importantly to sustain so that you do not find yourself not using the system. She will also share a bit about her new venture Soul Motives. Soul Motives is a program Vicky has developed to help women overcome and deal with issues that hinder their life,relationships and business success. It is geared towards woman and the circumstance unique to them.