Healthy Charleston

S2E106 | Meet Dr. Robert Schoderbek



Hey everyone and welcome back to the Healthy Charleston Podcast!  We are super excited to have on Dr. Robert Schoderbek who is a sports medicine doctor in Charleston.  Dr. Schoderbek has an extensive background and experience with some very big name football teams!  You will learn a lot from our conversation with Dr. Schoderbek today. He is very passionate about what he does and he is heavily involved with the local high school teams as well.  It was very cool to hear how he has helped transform the community here in Charleston.  This episode took place during the COVID-19 Pandemic and he was so excited to see all of our weights in the gym that he couldn't resist going over to them and ripping some bicep curls!  We had a great time with Dr. Schoderbek and we can't wait for you to hear what he has to say today.  Thank you for listening to the Healthy Charleston Podcast!