Croncast Season 05 | Life Is Show Prep

Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris 131



Croncast - 2005-10-05.mp3 Show: #172 Length: 26:27 Format: mp3 Bit rate: 64 kbs Size: 12.1 mb Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris 131 Show Notes No funny quip for Betsy Eeyore moment for Kris "life is made of tissue paper" Not devastating news Kris thinks Karma is out to get him That is the way that it works Strawberry poptarts in the blueberry box Betsy is a registered vendor at a school sale Ebay = Febay and pushes Besty out into real world Bobby pins for mullets The Oughts, no good for Kris's hair Betsy needs to be separated from her money I didn't do it. It's Karma this time. I'd do the three the years Buying a meat tray Traffic school is in Kris's future Medical excuse for nursing baby Goodwill Betsy strikes again Leave your baby with strangers when given a $10/week choice? The Ty beanie baby low down - junk bonds Continued stuffed animal investments Nationwide wi-fi Kris gets car sick by reading in car The boy with a hot bowl in his pants The "What's up?" head shake The contest for the PacMan glas