Croncast Season 05 | Life Is Show Prep

Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris Ep. 91



Croncast - 2005-06-20.mp3 Show: #132 Length: 34:17 Format: mp3 Bit rate: 64 kbs Size: 15.7 mb Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris Ep. 91 Watch The Video! We are back from the Wisconsin Dells and in this episode Kris calls a fight between marines, babysits a stripper's kids and watches the police arrest an out of hand mommy all while wearing his tacky father's day gift. Kris reminisces about the days prior to the invention of Nair and bikini line shaving, I advise him both Nair and bikini line shaving have been around for years, but they didnt practice pubic hair removal in his neck of the woods- go figure. Kris also tries to draw comparisons between Tijuana and the Dells, though I point out that he has never been to Tijuana and never during my entire stay in the Dells was I offered Chiclets from a homeless scabby toddler. Kris attempts to explain the origins of the phrase Git R Dun and I still don't get it or git it I guess. Check out the screen shots of Kris and I on TV we are stars! Not reall