Croncast Season 05 | Life Is Show Prep

Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris Ep. 90



Croncast - 2005-06-17.mp3 Show: #131 Length: 32:19 Format: mp3 Bit rate: 64 kbs Size: 14.8 mb Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris Ep. 90 Here we go everybody, Betsy and I talk about our super white trash mecca weekend that began with a skiing squirrel in an above ground pool, the Wisconsin Dells the Tiajuana of the Midwest. Betsy talks about her bathed in gasoline seagulls from Mexico while the baby pukes on her hand, how I will be in charge of the man and how his memories of this trip will probably be great and Betsy's will be, "Thank god I didn't have to go to the waterpark." and a short bit about how Betsy and her mom used to just call me at work and tell me they were leaving for vacation. Listener Russ sent us this about naming pharmaceuticals; "Vi---meaning hard ( as is Vitamins,minerals,rocks,,HARD ) Agra--meaning root ( agriculture etc...) so ViAgra = Hard ROOT" and Ben sent this version; "Viagra is taken from the word "Viagraha," which means Tiger in Sanskrit." Good thing this isn't CBS bec