Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Who Is My Enemy?



In the Gospel according the St. Luke, Jesus taught us to "love our enemies". This particular text is hard for me to read, to understand much less to practice. In 1955, the communist in North Vietnam held a public court and condemned both of my grandfathers to death. The crime was not to join the communist party. All of my growing up years, my family doctrine was to hate the communist, the people who killed my grandfathers. The hate ran so deep that we can't escape it. In 1993, when I decided to return to Vietnam and later start Children of Peace International, my family members hate me for "helping the communist", my classmates called me communist sympathizer and ban me from coming to school re-union. The only saving Grace I have is the love from our Lord, Jesus. He commands me to pick up my cross and go to my brothers and sisters. I am a child of God, my only task in life is to live as Jesus lives. Harboring hate and seeking revenge were never what Jesus taught. In order for anyone to believe t