Pureperformance Cafe

PurePerformance Cafe 019: Why I love working in the Dynatrace Test Automation Team – Bernd Farka, Dynatrace



In the first PurePerformance Café episode Bernd explained how his team has reduced cycle time of the code pipeline from 1w to 2h for core Dynatrace components. I wanted to learn more about how he sees the role of his team – the Test Automation Team – which provides the actual pipeline and the tooling that allows developers to push code faster through a pipeline. The most interesting comment he made was: “I am a Developer. Initially I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do Test Automation – but what we do here is developing an actual product and touching every piece of technology you can imagine. This makes me love my job!”. Want to join his team: http://jobs.dynatrace.com