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Bridgit Dengel Gaspard: Get Across Your Finish Line



Author and therapist Bridgit Dengel Gaspard explains how the double bind is often the cause of why we get stuck just short of accomplishing our goals. Have you ever been caught between a rock and a hard place, unable to find a palatable - let alone winnable - option? If you've ever felt this way, you'll recognize your situation as a double bind. "One of the best-kept secrets of your Inner Critic is that it plays both sides of the double bind. It tells you that you're not good enough as it pushes you to be better." No one enjoys being stuck and the misery is amplified when we have accomplished multiple steps toward a cherished goal - whether breaking a bad habit, losing weight, building a business, finding a mate, or finishing a degree - but just can't seem to complete it. In The Final 8th: Enlist Your Inner Selves to Accomplish Your Goals,  Bridgit Dengel Gaspard guides readers through the process of identifying and speaking with their inner selves - such as the inner critic, perfectionist, art