Wellness Radio With Dr. J

A Neurosurgeon and Naturopath talk about Stress



Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Mark McLaughlin, MD, a Neurosurgeon with a profession and life style that allow him to function daily in the face of stressful events.  Dr. Mark has learned how to take on challenges and evaluate what he does each moment of every day.Where does stress live? How does it grow? Why are we so wrapped up in stress on a daily basis?Perhaps stress is a bucket word that you use as a daily go to when things just don't go with ease and fun every day.The problem is: when we take the word stress and then seek out treatments and protocols to get you out of the 'spot you are in', it may alter your physical body and mind to a point where it never really was the source of your issue in the first place.Is stress something that you push through, drug away or hang it as a label on your forehead to drive your life through each day?For more information on Dr. McLaughlin visit: www.MarkMcLaughlinMD.comFor wellness support with Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com or www.MyPersonalAdvocate2.com