Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Define Health: Who's Job is it?



What is your pain and suffering?  Who is going to take it away?  Why are you just not getting better?  Is your focus on the insurance coverage and what the dr says goes?  What is it going to take to get you to the point that you will realize more about your body and health?  Who's job is it anyway? Dr. Ruediger Dahlke and Dr. Jeanette Gallagher are discussing how we have denied the health of our body, mind and spirit and that we must start to see these are in our control and only we can make changes for ourself.  The healing is not totally outside of us.Ruediger Dahlke, MD, doctor, psychotherapist and author of The Healing Power of Illness:  challenges accepted ideas of illness by suggesting it's not an enemy to be fought.  He shares how illness is not just a physical disease to be cut out or stopped, perhaps it is also an expression of psychological or spiritual. For more information visit:  www.MyPersonalAdvocate2.com for a personal discussion with Dr. Jeanette on how to start looking at your health and sym