Wellness Radio With Dr. J

How to Lose Weight Permanently by Looking Within Yourself



Have you been on tons of diets, counted calories til you know them by heart and purchased every book and program there is around?  Still struggling with your weight and at this point are you are ready to just throw out your clothes and buy new ones at the size you are now?  Have you just had it with the concept that you have to lose weight or your life will not work? Dr. Joseph J. Luciani, author of Thin From Within: The powerful self-coaching program for permanent weight loss will be sharing a unique way to look at weight for the last time.  Dr. Joe designs programs that address the psychology of weight, eating and stress.  Learning what your triggers are and how to master their control over your life is key for success.For more information on Dr. Joe visit:  www.SelfCoaching.netTo learn more about Dr. Jeanette's services visit:  www.MyPersonalAdvocate2.com