Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Transforming Your Life in Health and Spirit



Have you ever said 'something is missing' or 'there is just something out there but I can't put my finger on it'?  Almost everyone has said that and then we go on a fishing expedition to find a thing, people, place or item that will ease that quest for an answer, or to fix the need you have for something to make life grand.  Is your life grand?  What does that look like?  Why or why not?  Is that something of inner bliss, complete perfection or soul seeking that leads us down a path?  Where are you on the path?  Today, perhaps, we can share a new path, a new set of tools to walk the path and what might be the overall concept of a life well lived.Nicholas Corrin, L.Ac and author of The Power of Letting Go will be sharing what it means to live a full life by letting go and finding that inner quest of our soul and spirit.  Nicholas is an original thinker and has patented the unique process of Vibropuncture(registered).  As an alternative practitioner, he uses many tools to bring nature, spirit, soul and body tog