Wellness Radio With Dr. J

How to Get through Tough Times with an Open Heart and Resilience



Do you have life challenges and see only the pain and trauma?  Can you find the life messages towards opening your heart in all you experience?  Have there been times when things just 'worked out' and you didn't give it another thought?  What is Divine guidance?  How can I find my path with so many hits in this lifetime?  Can you have gratitude for the bumps in the road and use them to thrive in the future?  How does your heart expand and why is that important?Jasmina Agrillo Scherr, author of Mirror of My Soul Sanctum of My Heart shares her life journey and the messages and challenges along the way.  Jasmina learned very early in life to pay attention to the gifts from the universe that can guide us. As you listen to her story, you may find little glimmers of feelings that arise in you which are turning for you to recognize.  The process of opening your heart no matter what has come your way this lifetime is what Jasmina shares with others.  She also is a certified HeartMath(tm) coach and spiritual healer.Fo