Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Water for Health: Are you choosing the best?



Water, water everywhere, is it really?  And how safe is that water to drink, bathe and use for our bodies?  Recently World Water Day was very clear in showing the imperfections in our water systems, the scarcity of global water and the power to control the supply and additives in local water companies.  Do you know what you are drinking?  There is so much on the internet about RO water, dead water, alkaline water, and so on.  How do you choose?  By peer pressure, your neighbors advice since they see you drinking a particular way or by the sources that tell you their water is perfectly safe since they are dumping things in to it to make it that way.Clayton Nolte, a scientist who studied nature for 40 years has created a device that works like nature to create pure clean water just like water from a spring. For more information on Structured Water for the limited time special of 25% off visit this link.