Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Biological and Holistic Dentistry: Could my teeth be making me sick?



Topic:  The state of Dentistry in 2015Whole-Body Dentistry by Dr.Mark BreinerAmalgams and root canalsTeeth affecting our overall healthToxic and dangerous treatmentsGuest:  Dr. Mark Breiner, DDS, FAGD, FIAOMTPioneer and recognized authority in biological and holistic dentistryHealth visionary with over 30 years experiencePracticing Dentist for over 4 decadesAre you confused about dentistry and all the discussions on social media and internet?  Why are the treatments still being done in dentistry allowed?  Could my teeth be making me sick?  How can I start to look past getting fillings in my teeth and start to take care of my dental health?  What if I am sick and I think my teeth may be involved, how do I start?For more information visit:  www.wholebodymed.com