Wellness Radio With Dr. J

John Bradshaw on Mature Love and Intimacy after the Romance



John Bradshaw, visionary counselor, theologian, bestselling author and addiction specialist, will be sharing his new book Post-Romantic Stress Disorder:  What to Do When the Honeymoon is Over.  If only people had a little more direction, guidance and support to understand mature love perhaps there might be more marriages lasting a lifetime.  Love changes but no one really speaks about those changes and how to keep the flame alive in a relationship that spans decades. Are you thinking more about what you don't have in a relationship rather than all the great reasons you are with another person?  Has the glamour and glitter worn off from your marriage and no parties, vacations or fancy intimates are going to rescue it?  Perhaps a little talk about what love is, how you can appreciate the good times and support each other when the going gets tough is needed in every relationship.For more information visit www.JohnBradshaw.com