Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Parent and Kids: ASK Your Brain How to Learn and Use it Now



Are you or your children studying harder and not getting the test results?  Spending hours and tons of money to improve school grades but feel like you are going uphill?  Stop, find out how your brain works and use that process to study the current material with increased results .......  sound good? My guest is Renee Mollan-Masters author of You are Smarter Than You Think!  Using Your Brain the Way It Was Designed, what a novel idea!  Renee has put together a quick and easy manual to find out what type of learner you are and how to use that information to guide you in learning in the future.  If your one child learns by memorizing, do you?  I your one child learns by drawing, does the other?  If you learn by talking it out, do the kids?  Everyone learns differently, BUT, your brain knows how you learn so stop and ask it!  Learning is a life long process so stop the struggle in early years and embrace the adventure.For more information on The Missing Piece to Success and the work of Renee, visit:  www.yourare