Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Alternative Help for Mental Health Concerns



Are you having issues dealing with the world around you today?  Have you sought professional support and walked away not helped or satisfied with the process?  Are drugs the only answer for your mental health issues?  Is life just throwing curve balls at you and dealing with life is getting harder each day?My guest is Dr. Amelia Kemp, psychotherapist and author of From Psychotherapy to Sacretherapy: Alternative Holistic Descriptions and Healing Process for 170 Mental and Emotional Diagnoses Worldwide.  The process of getting help for our mental and emotional being is often over looked in the healthcare arena and the stigma of needing help is a barrier to seeking treatment or support.  No longer are we denying the connection between all areas of our body, mind and spirit as our wellbeing.  We are not pieces to be fixed but rather a unit of life that needs to be nurtured and listened to as symptoms arise.  Help is available, exercises are included and solutions outlined in this book by Dr. Kemp.For more informa