Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Urgent Call to Feed Your Child's Brain and Soul



This show is for all parents; inspiration and support for parents of healthy children and hope and guidance for parents of children with problems like ADHA, Autism, Depression and Obesity.  Are you a parent and have no clue where to start to help your child that may be having issues in school, health challenges, or social problems that neither counseling or drugs are helping?  Is the answer to everything in the bottom of a prescription bottle?  Why are we drugging kids, rather than feeding them the nutrition their brains are screaming for?  Do you know what proper nutrient dense food items are that kids should be having every day?  Are you going to be even more confused with new food labels so you just follow along with blogs and your peers in making nutrition choices for your family?My guest is Dr. Dolev Gilmore, author of Nutrition and Your Child's Soul which is a very important book for all parents to guide them in the importance of a rich, varied diet and how or when to supplement with vitamins and minera