Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Successful Loving Relationships Defined with Bruce Starr



What is a loving relationship and how to know when you are looking for love in all the wrong places?  Do you have failed relationships in your past?  Are you always feeling less than satisfied with how you feel about others in your intimate circle?  What is the one thing that you want from another person, love, do you know what that looks like and how to get it?  So, what is the name of the game you are playing to rack up conquests rather than getting deeply involved with another person and potentially feel trapped and exploited?  Who has taught you how to 'be' with someone in a mutual loving relationship?  We go to school to learn, have experiences to learn from, and base our inner thoughts, habits and morals on reflecting back what we learned from our upbringing; so are we acting out in our adult life to complement or spite our 'knowing' of what love really is. Don't worry, the world has millions of people who are learning at the same speed you are and it takes time, patience, knowledge and insight to ditch