Wellness Radio With Dr. J

The Question of Vitamin Usage and Safety Answered



The question about vitamins will be clarified here today with a full discussion about the 'recommended daily allowance', the 'Upper limits' of intake and the 'evidence based medicine' parameters that are all putting their view on nutrition intake for the individual.  How much Vitamin C do you need?  How much Vitamin C does Frank need?  How much Vitamin C does an elder need?  Can you say that there are rules for everyone and everyone will follow the same situation for the perfection of health?  And, if they don't follow those parameters, they are over or under dosing?  What are the rules, how did they come to be, and should they still be inforced for every individual regardless of their current state of health or disease?  This has been the crook in 'healing of the population' that has rendered the medical community to stop calling disease as cured with drugs or pharmaceuticals.  People are individuals and there is not now nor can there be, rules for an individual to fit into parameters that are uncontrollable