Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Alcoholism Relapse and the Symptoms of Sobriety



Alcohol; a simple drink, a binge of your 'freer years' or the chain that drags you down to the bottom of the pit.  How has alcohol affected you, your family, your relationships in the past?  So, you stop drinking, do the rehab and AA rounds but something, somewhere down inside of you, still turns the compass to bring you back to the bottle, why?  Do you love misery?  Are you destined to destroy yourself?  Maybe you just have not recognized the 'Symptoms of Sobriety'.My guest is Scott Stevens, journalist, former mutual fund industry executive and author of the 2013 award winning Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud which is his personal experience with relapse and sobriety.  His story is very uncensored, direct but also provides hope and inspiration for those who have stopped drinking.  It is not enough to just put down the bottle, you need to know how you got there and what brings you to that place.  Almost every alcoholic relapses, so Scott would like you to know, it is not enough to just stop drinking.  He will