Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Why is Omega 7 the Hottest Health Trend of 2014?



You have heard in recent years of Omega 3 and 6 but have you heard of Omega 7 from Sea buckthorn berries and all of the great health benefits?  Have you started to ask what you are putting on your skin or taking into your body and noticed so many chemicals and altered natural substances?  We have noticed what we used to purchase ten years ago is no longer the first reach when we make product choices. My guests today are the McMullins', Bruce and Peter, owners of Sibu Beauty which is the world's largest producer of premium, wildcrafted sea buckthorn that is organic and harvested in the Himalayan Mountains.  Sibu does not alter the natural state of the berry, therefore it retains its natural levels of antioxidants, omega 7 and other nutrient dense vitamins.  Since the berry is used in it's full form, it has an affinity for the outer layers of the skin, intestinal tract, blood vessels and other organs in the body to encourage healthy cell growth and repair. If you are putting gels and creams on your skin trying