Wellness Radio With Dr. J

Closing Your Life Chapter with Elegance, Grace and Love for All



If you get a serious health diagnosis; can you live the rest of your days in love, comfort and blessed by every sun rise with your loved ones sharing their every inner most feelings and fears to support the entire family?  Can you see the gift or blessing of time and love that can grow exponentially from each second that is presented to them? While death is a passage for everyone, when you have a health diagnosis that seems to give you an expiration date, is it something that everyone can accept as a time to heal the heart and grow the love in a family.  Many people wait until the end of life to share their feelings of deep love knowing that it is their last chance to share and others hold back and live their lives with regret or guilt.  There is a choice, to walk through the pain and suffering along with your loved ones to be compassionate and caring the way our hearts and spirits were meant to be.My guest is Linda Campanella, author of When All That's Left of Me Is Love, which is a journey through terminal