Wellness Radio With Dr. J

How to Create a Naturvore Life with Dr. Harpe



How are you doing with your health these days and what types of nutrition are you providing your body?  Do you expect a human body, living breathing organs, reproducing cells every second and brain that does all the thinking for this amazing body to exist on a diet of packaged foods and pharmaceuticals?  Really?  Is that not the current state of health in this country that is the norm?  Disease is common and almost expected to be a factor of life. Have you ever been in a group of people over 40 and sharing your common stories about what medications you are taking and how expensive they are? Perhaps, we could be in a group of people and exchange ideas about how great everyone is feeling and how they got there.  Does this paradigm exist in your home town?  Does this paradigm exist at your physician's office?  Does the physician offer paths to achieve a healthier life?  Perhaps all these people really do not know how to help you and answer your questions because they are not on that path.My guest today is Dr. Ch